Everything about You in one place

All about only You

and your Human Genome

Your Manual

Your genes hold your own manual and were given to you by Nature as homework for your entire life.  So learn it and live accordingly.

Your Data

Your DNA contains unique and most precious information about  You. You are one of a kind in the entire universe. So keep it in a safe place, secured and at your fingertips.

Your Future

Learn the past to know the future: analyze your genetics and realize your full potential. Remember: you are the ultimate, top-of-the-line specimen of your multimillennial ancestry. Cherish and enhance the best traits you possess and pass them on to future generations.

Henome is a media project about the human genome and a platform where you can decode, learn, and store ALL the information about you and only you.

Henome is a unique startup, which navigates you through the mainstream of genetics, recent breakthroughs in human-genome research, and keeps your data in the most secured and safest place in the world, using a razor-sharp technology.

Henome. Swiss made.

For inquiries about the project during its business-ignition phase, press realize and for investors relations please contact us by

+1 617.500.0050
